Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Internet

The Twins
Originally uploaded by lizhurley.
I read this on the internet today:

"The first thing i look at when i see a girl is her face..and if i like her face..then i look at her boobs and if im not satisfied with her boobs its okay as long as i like her face..i think that's how things work for me."

That got me to thinking, "How do things work for me ?"

Well, I don't think I am a face OK, boobs not OK then if face OK, all OK kinda guy. I would also like to have a bit of arse OK and legs OK too, but really I would be fascinated to hear what my loyal chalkfans have to say on the matter....

How do things work for you ?

Monday, May 30, 2005

I went to Beef Week

Beautiful Coat
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Well, I went to Beef Week. and I've got to say....over rated. There were loads of cows everywhere, but no fucken beef. i was not happy about that, especially after having looked forward to a beefathon.

Anyway, I got pulled up for speeding on the way home...$208 fine.


Saturday, May 28, 2005

Casino Beef Week

Square Dancers and 2 Aussies
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Yeah !!

Friday, May 27, 2005

Schapelle Corby

Originally uploaded by popo y lolo.
1. She did it
2. What kind of a name is Schapelle
3. Who the fuck is Ron Bakir

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Read More

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

This Morning

Early Morning
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
It was such a beautiful morning, I had to take some photos

Pre Sunrise
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.

Golden Promise
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.

There it is
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.

Misty Myocum
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.

Misty Meadows
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

How Pretty

Golden Morning
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
This morning sunrise was so pretty

The CIA Shut Down My Blog

Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
sorry for the last 24 hours shutdown of my blog.

The CIA said I was a loose cannon and they had to shut me down.


Sunday, May 22, 2005

I'm So Excited

Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it, ooh yeah.

And why, you may ask, am I so excited ??

Well, its because this Wednesday marks the start of .....CASINO BEEF WEEK 2005

I am so psyched about this, that I am thinking about starting a new blog, solely dedicated to CASINO BEEF WEEK 2005.

Anyway, I will update you as to the details of this event, as soon as I am finished reading the brochure. Bye for now.

My Car is The Shit

'76 Charger
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
People often say to me, "Mr.Chalk, may I ask you a question ?"

I usually say yes, because, being a man of the people, I am always happy to discuss any matter with the general public.

So anyway, after I say OK, the next question is usually, "Mr.Chalk, how did you get to be so cool ?"

Well, thats a pretty easy question for me to answer. I got to be so cool by buying a '76 VALIANT CHARGER !!! My dad taught me early that real men drive Valiants, but he never had the guts to go hardcore and buy a VALIANT CHARGER.

I did, in fact, I've got 2, and that, my friends, is why Mr.Challk is wayyyyy cooooool.

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Tasmanian Breast Adjustment
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
I went to Party Marty's Party last night, and it was lots of fun.

Saw heaps of people I hadnt seen in ages, and got pretty off my nana.

If you wanna see more snaps from PartyMartysParty, click on MARTY


I found out tonight that I had abused the crap out of one of my good mates in the comments section without realising it was him. When he told me, I felt really bad, so I would just like to apologise to anyone who i may have offended in this blog.

As for the rest of ya, you can go and get fucked


Friday, May 20, 2005

Mali Cohen is in town

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Golden Traces
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Right, that does it. I have hardly left the house for a week. I have had enough. I am going to have a shower, get in my car and go somewhere.

Just like that.

I'll keep you all informed as to the outcome.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Why Do They Hate My Skyscapes ???

Golden Sunset
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.

The Tragedy of Marijuana

Five colas up close
Originally uploaded by Madjag.
Well, ther is no real tragedy of marijuana. I am actually quite enjoying being a lazy good for nothing boring cunt.

Eventually everyone will get the message that nothing is going to happen, and that there is no real reason to be reading this blog.

Thats when I'll do something. I'll be sure to let you know when that happens. As for today, nothing much on the agenda really.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

World Record Day

Pinky Golden
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Today I did the least of any day so far.

Monday, May 16, 2005

End of Another Day

end of another day
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
What a beauty we had today.

In the morning I watched cartoons.

My friend came over for about half an hour in the afternoon. Apart from that, I read my new poker book, played some on line poker and took this photo.

What a day !!!

Naughty Merina

made a new friend
Originally uploaded by Merina.
She's making lots of new friends, isn't she !!

Sunday, May 15, 2005


made another friend
Originally uploaded by Merina.
Have you seen Merina and her new friends ?


Golden Lining
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Now you've got to admit that this is pretty.

The Weekend

I love the weekend, because on the weekend, you can take it easy and nobody cares. In fact, if you don't relax on the weekend there is usually something wrong with you.

So its the weekend. Aaaaahh. Now I can stretch out and relax. Mmmmm. How comfy.

To tell you the truth, I am pretty stressed out this weekend. The sun came out and now I am feeling guilty for just sitting around at home. I am actually just trying out my new bathrobe ($30 in Bangkok), and you cant give something like that a proper test drive unless you lounge around in it for a few hours.

So now I'm feeling a bit better because I'm doing something now.

Anyway, I can sense the beach calling me. And that is bad news, because I HATE THE FUCKING BEACH.

Anyway, thats enough. Seeya.

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Pink and Blue
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Today I watched the football on TV.

Fucken Shit

Hopeless Case

Byron Bay
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
The radio show was supposed to start at 12 O'clock. Of course I fell asleep on the couch at 10:30 and then woke up at 11:55.

So I got there 20 minutes late. Oh well, at least I showed up.

I know how pathetic this must seem, but can I blame it on jet lag for a bit ?

I really am fucked because my mate went on holidays and left me a big bag of organic homegrown.Im sure that was obvious to anyone who was listening t the radio last night.

I was a fucken mess.

Anyway, I dont really give a shit, cos im going to melbourne and sydney soon

Friday, May 13, 2005




Guess What Happened ???





Thats right, I did something.


Myocum Sunrise
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Well, i thought that because my life had become really dull and uninteresting that people (like marty for example) would desert this blog in droves.


In fact, more are logging in now than after my Polar Expedition,


At least I am going to be on the radio tonight, STREAMING LIVE AROUND THE WORLD !!!


Well, believe it or not, I am on the radio tomorrow, and its going to be STREAMING LIVE !!!

Just click the link on the right side of this page that says "LISTEN TO MR.CHALK EVERY FRIDAY"

The times to listen are:


Alterantively, you could go to www.bayfm.org and click on the LIVE AUDIO STREAMING box on the right hand side of the page.

The show goes for 2 hours and presenting the show with me will be International Australian Superstar EX-Model, Casio,

And if you want any life guidance, or just want to complain, ring up during the show and tell all to Papa Chalk.

The Phone Number is +612 6680 7999

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
I better do something soon, or this blog is gonna die in the arse.



Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Look what happened to my car

Look what happened to my car
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
You go away for a few months and look and see what happens.

Its dog eat dog out here in the Byron Shire


Well, seeing my life is so fucking ACTION PACKED these days, I thought I would keep you all up to the minute, by offering, for the first time, Mr. Chalk's...

******** MIDDAY UPDATE *********

Well, I got up at 6:30AM, after 4 hours sleep, and then, I took a photo of a mushroom.

Now thats basically it, and its getting on for 1:15PM. I think I'm going to cry...

That Does It

Right. I've had enough.

I am sick of all this jet lag and fucken bullshit boring crap. Tomorrow, believe it or not,


I mean something good. I am over this boring lifestyle crap. Time to go and have a look.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Todays Boring Crap

Guess what I did today ?

1. Got my car working
2. Got my internet working

How fucken BORING.

This is completely fucken ridiculous. I have gone from Mr.NonStopAction, never a dull moment to being Mr.FuckenBoringCunt in 2 short days.

I gotta stop smoking pot.

Monday, May 09, 2005

What I Did Today

This Morning
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.

The Patheticness Sets In

Well, now that i have been here for 24 hours, I can truly say that I have become totally useless and pathetically stoned.

All I can say is.......


Sunday, May 08, 2005

marijuana induced apathy

So i got home today, and seeing that i hadnt had a billy for 3 months, i thought i might just not smoke any pot for a while.

Well, that was a good idea, but instead of that, i thought it would probably be a better idea to just get stoned.

I wonder if this blog will survive the thick cloud of marijuana induced apathy.

I wonder......

Saturday, May 07, 2005




Thursday, May 05, 2005

Coming Home

Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Not long now......Im comin home

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Farewell to Frisco

Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Fuck Ive had a good time here.

But now its time for me to push off. I think Im going to go down the coast towards L.A

So thank you San Fransicans for being such wonderful hosts. I love this town and am coming back soon.

My Responsibility

As part of my responsibilities as a bastard, I thought I better let you all know that......


If any of you are jealous, I don't blame you one bit. In fact, if I wasn't me, I would hate myself.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Who's Bad

Ultimate Bad Santa
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Michael Jackson...guilty or not guilty ???

Monday, May 02, 2005

How Weird Street Faire

Today I went to the How Weird Street Faire. It was great. I took over 100 photos, here are my favourites:

Geek Girl
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Loads of people were dressed up in costume, but this one got me. She actually had a paper plane pinned to the back of her hair too.

Outstanding work.

Mr. Parasol
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
I think this guy won my award for most weird outfit of the day.

Congratulations, Mr.Parasol

Fluffy Dog
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Even the dogs were wearing Pink Fluff

Oh My God !!!
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
This is kind of what it was like all day...Oh My God !!!

I'm having a really good time here in San Franciso. I have extended my time here, and have postponed my ticket home. I am definately coming back.

If you would like to see a slideshow of more of these shots, click here

Miss Kittin Live in SF

Miss Kittin Live in SF
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Went to see Miss Kittin last night at a nightclub around the corner from my hotel.

A lot of people I know are right into her, but I have never really gotten it. I think her music is boring.

Anyway, I thought I'd check it out anyway.

And my verdict: boring

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Lost in the Desert

Road to the Clouds
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
Over Vegas, so I jumped in my car and headed for Death Valley, California. Or thats what I thought, anyway. Instead I got lost in the Nevada desert and ended up driving around lost for 6 hours.

Then a storm hit.

Then I realised I was driving next to Area 51.


Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.

Desert Sunset
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.