Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Nappy Men

Well, it seems the latest craze these days is men in nappys. In England, anyway.

If you dont believe me, here is a little snippet from a recent BBC news story:


A man dressed only in a nappy who has approached a number of women on Teesside is being hunted by police.
The man has hidden in bushes in Eaglescliffe before moving towards the women and asking: "Are there any baby changing facilities in the area?"

Cleveland Police said they are becoming increasingly concerned about the man's behaviour after several incidents in the past few months. They want anyone with information about the man to contact them. The latest happened on Sunday night in a play area on Wentworth Way.

'Bizarre antics'

The man approached a woman walking her dog and said to her: "Are there any baby changing facilities in the area?" The startled woman said no and walked off, leaving the man still running around dressed in his nappy.

Insp Ian Garrett said no-one had been assaulted but the man's antics were bizarre and a cause for concern. He said: "There have been several reports of him having been seen in Eaglescliffe dressed only in a nappy and we are keen to trace him and speak to him."

Similar sightings earlier this year in the Stockton area of a man also wearing just a nappy are not being connected.

Now, here is the link in case you don't believe me:


As my sister said...."only the english..."

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Why I love the internet

So, as many of you would already know, I have been wasting all my time fucking around with that Flickr website. So anyway, coz its the internet, I can make people think i am really tough by saying cunt a few times and putting criminal type pictures of myself up there. Little do they know what a FUCKEN WIMP I am....

Anyway, This girl thought I was a bad boy and did a blog thing about me. Cool huh ??

Anyway, I cant believe this, but she called my photo BOG AWFUL. Is that a slap in the face because she hates me, or was she just embarrased about saying good things about me and had to moderate it with an insult ?

What do you think ???

Oh, and if you havent figured out how to read her blog thing about me, CLICK ON THESE WORDS, YOU FUCKEN DUMB CUNTS

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Underpants Puller

Japan. Different.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Snake Season

Yesterday, I found a big old carpet snake in my barbecue.

Today, it had moved into my loungeroom.

Oh well, looks like I got a new house mate...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Anti Semitism

just wrong
Originally uploaded by cygnoir.
I am sick of all the Anti Semitism on the internet. This photo takes the cake !!!

Friday, August 12, 2005


A friend of a friend took this at glastonbury

Friday, August 05, 2005


This is for the bored dude

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Getting There...

CHeck out the test video blog. and the photos link is working as well.