Sunday, December 09, 2007

What ??

Originally uploaded by Chalky Lives
So im back in Tokyo again, with my senses bombarderd by Okonomiyaki and Japanese sluts in micro shorts . So what is it all about ? I mean, what should I do...I am an indulgent cunt, that is true. And my options are pretty fucken broad, but hey, what the fuck ??

I'm living in tokyo midtown and my apartment gets cleaned 3 times a week. When the cleaners come (4 of them), the bow down to me and then proceed to put all my girlfriends hair clips in a neat row. so anal its got hemmoroids.

So, yeah. Im looking for advice here, and remember, your doing a service to someone or other, because if I run out of ideas ill probably have to top myself as an homage to decadent western ideals and boredom and tv and the internet.

So yeah....the canvas is blank....what should i do and where should i do it ??? I want answers now.