Thursday, August 17, 2006

I Really Do Heart Japan

Like I said, I can't wait to get back to Japan.

Everything there is the same, but just a little bit twisted, in some kind of indefinable way.

Just like this video clip...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

President and Mrs Bush

Originally uploaded by aveeno.
Gotta love a family portrait

I Heart Japan

I am really missing Japan. Thank god I am going back there soon.

And ever since I ended up in Graceland on the same day as Priscilla Presley, I have become a HUGE Elvis fan.

So when it comes to double whammys, nothing beats Japanese Elvis impersonators.

While I'm on the subject of things Japanese, check out one of my favourite blogs, Konbini Life. This intrepid Gaijin bravely samples a huge variety of convenience store goodies and reviews them for our benefit.