Hurricane Warning
Now I'm in the Bahamas, and there is a hurricane warning going on.
They reckon its gonna hit the northern Bahamas on sunday.
Bring it on you fucken cunt of a storm. I am going to take this baby on. Flying to the northern Bahamas tomorrow, and I am going to play dice with the devil.
Lets see if this hurricane bullshit is all they make it out to be.
I adore your use of the word "cunt"
It's my favourite word and find it's highly under used:)
looking forward to the pic of you with a plank through your head
super cool **t-shirts**
Are you calling me names?
Huh...ya cunt bring me back a voodoo doll, well I am at least expecting some damn good pics of the hurricane - the closer the better. That's the least ya can do!
hurricanes are boring I'm sick and tired of them. I'm so tired of them now I'm going back to bed. Don't tire me no more Mr Chalk. I only want to hear more about cunts, gays & newhouse...
I have supreme confidence that you can deliver
Hurricane got yours? Ya freakn wimp!
Bloggers marked as absent for two consecutive days without notice will lose their web pages & will be referred back to the waiting list.
Note: this blog has not changed since the 20th: your first and final warning...
Get a move on ya cunt
Wilma ate him
yes, he was delish!
i thought Oso was a sunyassin name
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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