Monday, March 07, 2005

Photography is NOT permitted in this area

Well, my mission to take photos in forbidden areas has continued to meet with great success. My next target was the beautiful Van Gogh museum in downtown Amsterdam.

Van Gogh Museum 1
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
This is a shot of the outside of the museum. What a beautiful piece of modern architecture it is.

Van Gogh Museum 2
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
This is the window of the museum.

Van Gogh Museum 3
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
This is the sign that says no photography

Van Gogh Museum 4
Originally uploaded by Mr. Chalk.
This is the photo of a priceless Van Gogh masterpiece that it is forbidden to photograph

So as you see, I came, I saw, I photographed. Once again, I was punching the air triumphantly, as I walked away clean.


At 11:22 PM, March 06, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A victimless and educational crime! We don't mind this one. In fact if you keep this up we'd like to recruit you.

At 3:21 AM, March 07, 2005, Blogger Mr. Chalk said...

cool, ive always wanted to be a government employee

At 10:50 AM, March 07, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you would prefer to be a government guest - AT GITMO


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