Friday, July 01, 2005

Flickr Wars

So the Flickr War is over. Brave battles were fought, and against all odds, we emerged victorious.

There has been some suggestion that we should go back in there to stick it up em one more time, but I think its time to take our crown and move on.

I mean, really, those poor cunts are just a bunch of nerds, Its not healthy to hang around people like that. Its infectious.

So fuck everything, its time for another Adventure


At 8:09 PM, July 01, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your going soft, chalk

At 12:37 AM, July 02, 2005, Blogger Mr. Chalk said...

i'm going already. just give me a couple of weeks to get sorted then i'm gone...

At 8:31 AM, July 02, 2005, Blogger jonny said...

I've linked you, just so you know where all this extra traffic has come from.

I had to put in a quick reason for why people should come here, so I put in "F-Oz". It seemed apt.

I can't use the c-word cause they use my blog in schools!

At 3:07 PM, July 02, 2005, Blogger Mr. Chalk said...

go demons

At 7:52 PM, July 03, 2005, Blogger AllesNeu said...

There was a battle? Oh oh...
Thanks for your message :)


At 9:31 PM, July 03, 2005, Blogger jonny said...

My apologies for using your forum Mr C., but...

Why, Supercraft! Thank you for your words of wisdom and kindness!

I can't remember the last time anyone was so nice to me!

At 3:50 PM, July 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, it really looks like you won. there is still a delete me group, they just finally figured out how to control you. they eliminated your photo streams and your pro account so now you have to pay again if you want another pro account. AND you've made a total ass out of yourself. you're a real hero.

At 2:40 AM, July 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, whatever. it's still there and you're not.

At 5:08 AM, July 05, 2005, Blogger Stuart said...

I guess I blinked and mised all the action?

At 2:50 AM, July 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hm. Last time i checked there were 1023 members. Dead?

At 3:43 AM, July 23, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how is having your flickr accounts deleted all the time "being victorious"?

At 3:35 AM, August 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey mr. chalk,

are you delusional? the deleteme group is going strong, and there are alots of members joining all the time. been getting into the mushrooms. don't bother replying to this i won't be reading, feel free to try to get back into the group loser.

At 3:57 AM, August 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1255 members
yeah the membership has really flatlined... wow.

At 2:05 PM, June 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

At 10:50 PM, July 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

At 3:56 AM, July 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.


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