The Story of Flickr
Well, you may have noticed over the last couple of weeks that my blog contributions have been dying in the arse.
Well there is a good reason for this.
I have been obsessed with getting under the skin of a couple of arrogant French cunts.
Anyway, it ended in tears.
I got an email from these Flickr fuckheads as follows:
Your account has been deleted as due to:
Multiple strikes for behaviour contravening our Terms of
Use. In the end, your own words support this:
"I don't really give a fuck about all this Flickr crap. I
am just here to cause a disturbance."
Given your behaviour over the last few weeks, your
statement on former profile, the Impersonation of of other Flickr members and harassment of the Delete Me group and your general incitement within your own groups to make like difficult for other groups, what negotiation should there be?
As per out Terms of Use, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.
Now even though this little dispute has temporarily fucked up all the photos on this blog, I still managed to get a few people fucked off, disrupted the smooth operation of a internet group and had a generally entertaining experience.
All round, I would say, mission accomplished.
ROCK ON DUDE!!!!!!!*******
i've gotten in so much trubble on flickr they almost caused me to have a mental breakdown*
think fatboy slim*
atanyrate keep up the good work*
flickr needs more angels like U*
in fact the whole world needs more Mr. Chalky's****************
i laughed til i cried, that french guy didn't have a hope in hell
he had a good try though.....and was always convinced of his superiority.
gotta love delusional french arrogance
wish i wasn't in the dark about this.. sounds like good fun
well, basically, these 2 french guys started a group which judged photos, within the photo sharing website,
i joined the group, which prided itself as being "The Bad Boy" team. Of course, I tested out how serious the administrators took themselves, which it turned out was very, very serious.
Anyway, they quickly banned me from their group, so I dedicated myself to exposing them as a bunch of pompous, self-obsessed dickheads.
Among various stunts, my favourite was submitting Ansel Adams and Diane Arbus shots as my own and waiting for these puffed up nerds to criticize and put down the photos, then revealing the hoax to one and all......
There was plenty of other shenanigans, hoaxes and pranks going on, but its time for me to go for my massage, so I will fill you in on more details later on.
Well well well, again it looks like we win!!! It's been a fun ride, i too was after your unsophisticated australian ass!!! Thing is though, between westerners, we can bash each other on the account of being from different countries, still a liberty we can enjoy. Well, at the end of the day, you're still a bull in a china shop. Spend a year in paris...that'll teach you a trick or two. Sounds like you're the one who can't have his superiority challenged...
missing me, huh, vinnie ??
good to see you're visiting my blog.
hmmmm. Maybe spot on. Inferiority and superiety seem the name of this game. Boredom also. The question is....can you really win an argument?
dumb idiot kanguroo
Well, when it comes to boredom, i am clearly superior. Didn't you know that I am just a bored cunt with too much time on his hands ???
It certainly sounds like you are bored out of your box. Have you tried reading a book?
resistance is possible
im with you all the way, noam. and dont you worry...the revolution has only just begun
you are not alone....
thanks for the vote of support, xanax.
by the way, you wouldnt have a spare xanax, would you ?
I'm not entirely clear what the admins of DeleteMe and Flickr thought they were achieving by closing your Flickr accounts and groups down.
You can still open free accounts. Anyone can still join Deleteme without an invite. If you continue to be a bored cunt with time on his hands you can carry on as before.
From what I can tell, and I could be wrong, you consciously refrained from voting on pictures and fucking up the key function of the group, so you drew the line short at total anarchy and displayed some restraint - that point seems to be lost on the folks at Flickr/ Deleteme
The only way they could protect their group is by making it referral only and they could have done that without closing your accounts down.
So, all in all, closing your account down was a retarded, malicious thing to do.
Daft wankers
Personally, I don't think they're worth the effort you seem to have put into your little war but if you continue I see the next few rounds as going something like ...
- more Chalk infiltration into Deleteme
- Deleteme puts controls over new members
- Chalk sneaks in under new membership controls to make a point
- Sooner or later Chalk gets bored or Deleteme burns out (reviewing an endless stream of shit pictures loses its appeal after a while)
and so the Wheel of Life goes round and round
True, Deforest.
Anarcho-Australian, manart66, also showed that their discussion forums could be easily shut down by opening endless dummy topics, relegating the real discussions to the back pages.
Yes, I could shut their whole group down right now. However, that would not be anywhere near as funny as watching them alternate between pride and exhausted fear.
Anyway, Im going away soon, so the need for distraction will be gone
did I just mispell my own name? This nom de guerre thing is trickier than it looks - dang ...
You clearly have entirely too much time on your hands. Your rants in the DeleteMe forum simply underscore your immaturity.
says it on the front page, buddy:
"I'm just a bored cunt with too much time on his hands"
tell me something i dont already know
You've bitten more than you can chew little one!!! Nom de dieu!!! will suffer for your disrespect! I'm already visualizing the 2 large (probably US made) 4x4 tearing your limbs apart, then a dull butter knife ripping through your nuts and oh, the coup de grace...after the dismemeberement, perhaps your head on a stick paraded through the street. Imagination is a great tool, you should know...never will you be able to shut down the french...we fart in your general direction! I think you're nearing payback time, fluff boy!
oooh, head on a stick. how medieval
Woo Yay to Chalky. See what the french one has done now -
to borrow an phrase used to describe and prescribe a course of nonaction for the brittle white one,..."attention seeking" are the hot words in that comment, an attention seeker only wants attention so without it he'll just shrivel...
Feed up Chalk good style at every meal time so he gets big and fat I say...wouldn't want to let this one waste away.
sad to see you gone from flickr chalk, it seems a bit draconian but i suppose the people running the show are canadian.
i think the delete me group was fun for the first few days but had burnt out in under a week, if you have a look at it now it's pure gash. the admins have resorted to spamming other groups for new members, you're not missing much. sausages group is now where it's at
cool, lex. didn't know sausages was still up and running. off to rejoin RIGHT NOW
I'd have to agree with Lex's gash comment
Dear Vinnie, you need help old chap, have you considered crack, smack or perhaps prozac?
Like Kinky Friedman says: "The French are my second favorite people. My favorite being everybody else."
Ahhhh...australian wits at its best!!! Make no mistake people, Chalk is playing you like the fucks you are!!! You're little more than an audience of low life fuckups, adding very little to anything, amounting to little more than a waste of space (which there is plenty of in australia). Oh, and get your facts straight.
@lex: simply because you have the attention span of a pinhead, doesn't mean that Deleteme is no longer fun.
@Dr. Richard: that make no sense, you wasted valuable energy writing that incomprehensible line.
@Manart66: chalk is funny, you're not, don't quit your day job..."would you like fries with that?"
@Chef Maul: funny line, bottle it and sell it my friend, oh so witty.
@Chalk: you could at least thank me for keeping you blog alive.
keep it punchy, vinnie, or i'll have to delete you
how can you deleteme? Censorship is a bad thing remember! I'm just enjoying watching you little ants fight over a tiny chunk of fun...
i'm with flickr on that one. sounds like you take yourself a bit too seriously too.
nice one. rock and role chalkster. Let us know if you return in the guise of someone else.....!!
no worries spiderpops. will do.
you're deleted, mate
Dear Vinnie, ok, so drugs aren't for you, but you sound so angry, have you tried the liver cleansing diet?
see Chalk, i can always one-up you...for shits and giggle!
I don't understand, but it sounds kinda like more delusional french arrogance.
I love hate mail
Antipsychotic Medications
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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