Well, that was a popular one wasnt it !! I mean, I know that sex is a popular subject, but I never expected such a wild response.
Ive still got a couple of days left at this ski resort, and Im so busy snowboarding ive got no time for adventures, so till then, i suppose we can just keep this crap going.
Anyone got any other bright ideas ?
Hey Mr Chalk,
Can you build something out of snow for us? No, not a snow man... how about a GIANT SNOW-PENIS! Yeah, I know it's a bit sick but it's what you're people want... c'mon - just get straight to the dirty stuff.... and then you can build a giant SNOW-CUNT!
Thats an idea, but as i said, i am way to busy snowboarding.
If you make one out of dirt from your backyard, take a photo and email it to me at, I promise I will post it on the website.
c'mon - just make us an average sized snow penis when you get to the bottom of the mountain, or hill or what ever it is that you snow board down... it'll only take a few seconds, not too much detail required... a roll of snow, a ridge for the helmet, and 2 nuts - easy - you could have done one in the time it took to read this... infact - you could even run outside now and do one... yeah it's dark - but your camera has a flash?!
as i said. too busy.
maybe next time.
so newhouse are you too good for freda cohen
the same question crossed my mind
i want to do a new tv show called celebrity fuckfest , where we film celebrities fucking in a dimly lit room a la paris hilton, do you or your kooky friends have suggestions for who they would like to see doin it ?
Well, after this, I suppose Mali Cohen could be considered to be somewhat of a celebrity
does she have an agent ? because i can get bruce willis for 2 bucks an hour or is mr chalk a big enough name ?
xoxo, i was just kidding.
i asked that question a while ago, in fact i made it into a webpoll. the voting was pretty even.
In the end, I sent the email unedited, and the girl thought it was hot and sexy, and I will probably get a blowjob next time I see her.
Thanks for the advice.
Get out!
Did you know there is an American version of The Office ? Virtually identical script, just bad acting and American accents.
Its produced and i think directed by the same guys who did the english one.
I had to turn it off after 5 minutes.
I agree, the commercials alone are horrible and those are normally supposed to be the funniest bits. One of the main guys is from a show on Comedy Central called 'The Daily Show' it's a better show completely.
I like to read these blog before I hit the hay. It makes me want to sleep..
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
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